The Story Compass

In a storm, every navigator needs a compass

In today’s uncertain and volatile business environment, that compass is the story. Storytelling will connect you to your new future, the knowledge you gain travelling there, the values you’ll hold on to when you arrive, and the journey that helped you decide that this is where you wanted to be. Most importantly, the stories you craft and tell will connect your values and beliefs to investors, customers, and employees. That connection will build trust.

Through storytelling, the people you need most will know exactly where you’re headed, and they may just sign up for the ride. The Story Compass is your guide to get them there.

What You’ll Learn

  • How story shapes our perspectives, informs our decisions and steers our actions
  • The most common myths that will stop your storytelling in its tracks
  • How to craft great business stories using a simple structure
  • The four stories every business and every business person needs to be telling right now to customers, investors and employees

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About the Author

Colleen Stewart

is the founder and President of Perfect Pitch Consulting Group, a Canadian firm dedicated to the mission of helping businesses discover and tell their unique stories.
The Story Compass changed the way we talk about our business.
Founding partner, WS
I know many will be impacted by Colleen’s wisdom and thought, just like I was.
CEO and Founder, Lighthouse Voyage

The Story Compass

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